The Cowboy Roundup Impact

Addison Besler
Barrel Racing | South Dakota
Back at the beginning of March I ran Cedar, my horse, at a two day series race, we ran in the high 18's both days.
After attending the Martha Josey Clinic, I ended up going back to the final two days of the race at home. We ran in the low 17's both days, and Cedar won the high point horse! We also won the grand prize package and a new custom saddle!
I seriously can't thank The Cowboy Roundup enough for the opportunities that you have given all of us!
"Clinics in Canada are hard to find but we found one! I learned so much from how to keep my body square, grip with pointed feet, how to ride a jump and balance, along with barrel work. Stretching sessions, guided by the sports med team, gave me some much needed direction. I am so grateful for The Cowboy Roundup, and hope that every thing I’ve learned helps my career. The scholarship enabled me to upgrade to safer gear and learn new skills, it was an opportunity I wouldn’t have had otherwise."

Darren Walker
Steer Riding | Alberta Canada

Breakaway | Colorado
Dot Veatch
The Erin Johnson breakaway clinic impacted my rodeo career by helping me with horsemanship and sharpening my roping skills. Erin helped me by working with me on the dummy on the ground, helped me get my horse into the correct position on the sled, and we put it all together on live calves. Without the scholarship, I wouldn’t have been able to attend the clinic and I’m very thankful for this scholarship; I’m a better and more confident roper because of the clinic.